A Love Letter for you

When my daughter went far away, I remembered how wonderful it was to receive letters when I was far from home. Or to get them from friends and family abroad when they were away.

Letter writing connects us in ways neither real life nor tech can.

My monthly Love Letter is an old-fashioned letter about what I’ve been doing, thinking about, listening to, watching and, mostly, reading.

I care about language. About its power. I care about power – who has it and how they wield it. I care about people who have limited or no access to either the language and tools of the dominant culture or to power. I care about listening. I care about art and music and books. I care about living creatively and hopefully even though – or especially because – life is hard and our systems serve the ruthless and the powerful only.

These concerns emerge in my letters.

Mostly though, my letters are about what I love, and how I love.

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A South African poet's letters about what she's reading, doing and loving on her travels.


The impulse to run away. The pleasure of returning. The absurdity and comedy of being all your selves. Love and stories and books and music and poetry and things and stuff.