May 21Liked by Karin Schimke

I loved reading this and felt deep empathy for you. Noise can hurt/destabilise me very quickly. When I do my morning writing, I play white noise through my headphones. My street is like a zoo. Nothing is more precious than silence. I no longer apologise for being sensitive to sound. It’s the world that has lost its mind, everything screams for attention and this loud junk culture has bled into everyday life. Nonsensical conversations at ear shattering decibel levels AT the GYM! Why???

And really, people, even good people are complete dicks to their animals. Dogs are intelligent. They need time and attention, stimulation and exercise. Without it they go mental. Do some of us get dogs in the hope that it might address some deficiency within ourselves in the way that we sometimes hope making a baby might save a failing relationship? And when the poor animal can’t fix us, do we abandon it “civilly”by feeding it but ignoring other primary needs?

I feel you. Listen to PJ Harvey’s song, “Silence” from White Chalk. It says it all.

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You are so right about 'even good people' being 'complete dicks with their dogs'. I often think about the same thing you also consider: how do dogs address deficiencies in ourselves. I think it happens with children to. I remember once seeing this comedy show in which a man said he didn't understand why you needed to get a car licence and a dog licence but anyone could just go ahead and have a baby. It made so much sense. Not that having a licence makes you a good driver or a good dog owner, but you know what I mean...I'm off to listen to Silence. Thank you. I always love a song recommendation.

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May 21Liked by Karin Schimke

This is a beautifully written piece about a distressing topic. I agree with you and fully support your assertion that the bark of a lonely and unstimulated dog is awful, and it's unacceptable to leave a dog to bark in such a way.

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Thank you, Hazel. I have been so heartened by people's responses, because I always feel alone in my frustration. It really feels like a taboo subject. Like criticising people's children is a taboo.

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May 27Liked by Karin Schimke

oh yes. I hear you. I find that I have an increasing intolerance for the constant traffic noise, (is it getting louder & more pervasive? And where are all these people Going at 3am??), which I know will drive me out of the city sooner rather than later. I am becoming peevish as a result.

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Remember the deep, deep quiet of the nights during lockdown. I don't want to say I miss that because...I wrote a poem about that silence. I must go and find it now because I thought of it this weekend as I lay in bed listening to the night sounds.

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May 22Liked by Karin Schimke

Oh I understand completely. I’m not sure which is worse, the woof, or the few seconds silence and anticipation of the next one.

And don’t get me started on the cacophony in shopping malls and even restaurants.

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That's right! That silence as you wait for the next round!

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May 21Liked by Karin Schimke

Sorry that your Sunday was ruined and that the poor dog’s day was also miserable. I understand your problem only too well - but it’s scant consolation what Shopenhauer would have thought if my intellect. 😁

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That's true. No comfort there!

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Please share when you find it. I loved the silence, but the fear and the suffering that brought it, no. One cannot miss that.

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