Dec 9, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

The poem Home had my heart in my throat. Sjoe.

I'm glad you're glad to be home, will miss your Berlin musings.

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What should I muse on next, Rosey-Posey? Tell me your ideas. My brain is a tangle!

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You're asking the wrong person, I'm barely making it through the day..

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

Oops, off it went! I wanted to say that I share your sensibility re domestic order and beauty - a certain respect and care given to our living spaces - not for the sake of show; it goes far deeper than that.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences while away - it has been enriching and thought-provoking. Thank you for photos and for links and thank you for sharing you!

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It is deeper, you're right. It's much deeper. It can be boring and repetitive and demanding and exhausting too. But that underlying gravitas and connectedness makes the maintenance worthwhile.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

Karen, I completely understand the feeling you have getting home to your place and things were broken. It was often silly things, apart from the gash in my wooden floor which really is not an easy fix. I had the same feeling of taking care of things - I take care of my home because I love it and also taking care of things is also a conscious choice because resources are not infinite. The Dutch Home was such a beautiful book, I'm currently looking for something with a similar feel for a comfort read. I've settled on Winter by Ali Smith which I had on my pile. I'm only a couple of pages in and find it a little disorienting but I am also intrigued by Sophia and this floating head.

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I'm sorry you experienced the same thing after your trip. It's so distressing. And you're right: resources are not infinite. Why do people not get this? Ali Smith is delightful and funny but weird and you have to get into that swing of her weirdness and even though it seems simple and light, every book is a kind of Gordian knot from the mind of a genius. That relaxing narrative flow one gets from The Dutch House is not really to be found in Smith's work.

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Indeed, Smith's book is growing on me. One has to stick out the initial disorientation and then it becomes so innovative in its form.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

The like/heart/thumbs up button is greatly inadequate a response to pieces such as this, but still I press it - as indication that I've taken in and appreciated each of your words. (And I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your heirloom bed.)

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Thank you, Danya. I am glad to hear this, always.

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Dec 7, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

Yoh! That poem called Home is so powerful. Thanks for sharing it.

I’m selfishly very happy you’re home. I expect to be down your way in the first half of 2024 (hopefully Jan/Feb) and I know that I can’t book a long enough slot with you for all the things we will have to talk about but it would be nice to at least hug you and catch up a bit.

Funnily enough, staying mostly at home for the last 7 months and being unable to participate much in society has had as huge an impact on me as your travel has for you. I just haven’t written about it... yet. I’m still figuring out the words to narrate what has changed.

I admire your ability to get on with it and have thoroughly enjoyed travelling with you this year. Thank you for taking us with you and for provoking a great deal of thought, even if I haven’t always commented. I think my year has been basically non-verbal - in the strictest sense of not even being able to summon words consistently in my head without great effort. I suspect they will erupt at some point and flood out like a burst pipe. You might start getting my looong emails again. (Sorry in advance!)

PS you could do wonders with that bathroom, I think. I know you hate unsolicited advice... so let me know if you want to hear my idea that could help with this. I hope I remember what it is if you say yes. 😄

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You have had a very tough year. I am so glad to hear we are going to be able to catch up in person soon. And I want to hear all your ideas for the bathroom!

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Dec 13, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

My bathroom idea is mainly to crowdsource. Post photos of it all now and ask for people’s suggestions on cheap ways to transform it. You have such creative friends, many probably on a tight budget, and some of whom might have done renovations without plastering it all over social media. Pick their brains!

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Excellent idea!

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If I were to mention here all that came up for me while reading this letter, it would be a long story. So I’ll summarise and start with the big sky and how happy I am that you are safely back under its vastness. The disrespect shown for things you value hurts and angers me too! I think we share the same sensibility in that

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Also, I was reading about the displacements this morning too, and I am just so at a loss of words. What will happen to all those traumatised and homeless people?

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