Feb 8, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

I like the look of Pringle bay Karin and your ma sounds incredible with her creatures of comfort and company 🦎

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Pringle Bay really is lovely. Sea is icy though!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

Tip for when you are back in Pringle: Koring n Kaf in Betty's Bay. I seldom choose to eat something bready when I go to a restaurant, but a friend and I wanted to check out this new place. The lamb pide and peri-peri chicken roll were absolutely amazing, and the vegetarian pizette very yummy. Everything baked in a wood-fired oven and (I think) everything proper sourdough. Will definitely go back for more when I am in that neck of the woods again.

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Ooh, that's a great tip! Thank you. Funny name! I mean, the koring-part makes sense but how would chaff be used in a restaurant situation? It's turning into my morning word puzzle!

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Feb 8, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

My guess would be that it comes from the Afrikaans expression, "om die koring van die kaf te skei". In this context, that they want to distinguish themselves with the quality of products that they provide.

From a VivA Afrikaans FB post (2018):

Na aanleiding van 'n navraag van 'n leerder: Wat beteken die uitdrukking "die koring van die kaf skei"?

Dit beteken "om die belangrike/betekenisvolle/waardevolle goed te identifiseer en die onbelangrikes te ignoreer". Om dit te verstaan, moet 'n mens so 'n bietjie kennis van outydse boerderymetodes hê.

Die koring verwys hier na die graankorrels (wheat) en die kaf is die blare en stokkies van die koringplant (chaff). Vroeërjare is die koring van die kaf geskei deur die afgesnyde, droë koring op 'n harde vloer te gooi en dan te trap of te slaan sodat die koringkorrels los kan kom van die peule (die woord daarvoor is "dors"; baie boere het 'n spesiale dorsvloer gehad). Die getrapte plantmateriaal is dan met 'n vurk of mandjie ('n "wan") in die lug gegooi om die kaf (die oorbodige plantmateriaal) van die koring te skei. Dié deel van die proses het bekend gestaan as "wan". Die swaar koringkorrels het grond toe geval en die ligter blare en stokke is deur die wind weggewaai. Op dié manier het 'n mens dan net met die belangrike produk oorgebly.

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Yes, I know the saying. I just mean that for a restaurant name, it's an interesting choice.

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