Your dodge-ball sentence is so true. When I read about climate anxiety it seems a perfectly normal response to our constant heating up of the planet.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

Genugtig, mens..! Keep on swimming-singing-writing-floating-listening-traveling-dodging asseblief! En dankie vir julle mooi foto's. Beide lok en bekoor elke verlangende, ontdekkende sintuig soos eie eerste, nuwe, prôper pakkie kleurpotlode kon! Of dalk nog kan? Wie weet met die dat die klimaat so kwaad is na al ons wilde tekeninge oor alles skoon van haar gelaat? Ons huiwer tans selfs om na Namibië te reis soos ons plan was. (Stella se kontrak het Vrydag klaargemaak, en die Jimny word gediens tans.) Maar skielik neuk hul regering opnuut met die uitwys, aankla en vervolging van 'queer' en ander andersliewendes. Deels rebelleer ons en spandeer dan hardverdiende geld eerder elders- tuis? 😉 Kaapstad se in-en-uit mos ook onder beleg, en deels herrys die ou vrees van vervolging, selfs figurerend in nagmerries onlangs..

Solet, was dit in Alma? Ons het nie daai een in Warmbad geleer nie. Alma bly mities in my geheue omdat Lizelle (my ouer sus mos) kortliks daar skoolgegaan het toe sy klein was en voor ons oppad was.

Mag ons altyd ou liedjies mag onthou, hardop en sonder vrees vir vervolging kan sing. Liefde van huis tot huis en kajuit. J 🌱

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'Mag ons altyd ou liedjies mag onthou, hardop en sonder vrees vir vervolging kan sing.' Inderdaad. En ek hoop julle kry 'n oplossing vir julle begeerte om bietjie weg te kom...sonder om te voel julle moet oor julle skouers kyk. Wat gaan in mense se koppe aan dat hulle dink dís 'n ding waarop daar gefokus moet word?

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Karin Schimke

Thank you so much for this lovely letter! Last night we were driving home from the theatre festival in Den Bosch and all the streets were wet. A poem that we had to learn in primary school in the Bosveld came to me: “I like the town on rainy nights when everything is wet when all the town had magic lights and streets of shining jet.”

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Oh that's wonderful! I think this little trip has made me realise how brilliant it is that our brains were filled with rhymes and songs. I'm sure there are many good things about this (language learning, community, coordination – if the songs came with movements) but the one that has stuck out for me now is that it makes every little pleasure a tiny bit more intense or layered or...something...not sure what. Thanks for sharing that, Solet. The streets wet at night are always captivating!

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